About Us

We repair and replace all car windscreens in Sydney, NSW. All of our team are fully licensed and insured. Benefit from our many years of experience in the auto glass industry. You can always be confident of getting quality, professional work when you contact us.

Broken Windscreen? We  are here to help.

Don’t let a damaged windscreen impact your life. Request our auto glass repair service to get your car back on the road.

We provide free quotes for our work so you can be sure to know your costs upfront before we get started.

You satisfaction is guaranteed. We stand behind our work.

Customer satisfaction is one of our main focuses. We are always looking for ways to improve our service.


Our aim is to provide the highest quality windscreen replacement service. By only employing the best professionals we ensure our high standards are met. All of our staff are well trained, experienced and highly qualified so you get excellent service every time.

With our years of experience in the auto glass industry, we are able to quickly resolve any chips, cracks or completely shattered glass you may have on your car. We repair and replace front and rear windscreens, and all segments in car door windows.

Go ahead. Contact us at (02) 8488 8049 for a free quote and for all of your auto glass repairs.

Can’t talk on the phone right now? No problems. Simply use our contact form and we will get back to you shortly.